O Filme Não Assistido Minha Decisão de Segurar e Não Assistir ao Filme da Turnê Eras

Opinião A espera foi longa, mas com o lançamento da Turnê Eras agora disponível para assistir no Disney Plus, estou ignorando quaisquer defeitos no filme.

Swiftie Not Streaming Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour Movie. Here’s Why


It’s fair to say that the two nights I spent at Taylor Swift’s Reputation Stadium Tour in 2018 feature among the top five in my life – and not just because I met Swift in person before the show. The handful of other times I’ve seen her perform, including the 1989 tour, would easily make the top 10.

And yet I won’t be among the many thousands of people streaming the Eras Tour Movie this weekend, even though I’m a Disney Plus subscriber. Likewise, I didn’t go to see the film in the theater or pay to rent it online. I’ve decided not to watch the movie at all – for now, at least. (I realize you may feel otherwise, in which case see our guide on how to watch the Eras Tour movie on Disney Plus.)

🎤 Why am I holding back?

The reason is simple: As a British Swiftie, I haven’t had the chance to see the Eras Tour live yet. All this is set to change in a touch under three months when Swift comes to Edinburgh as she embarks on the UK leg of her tour. This is the first time I’ll see the show that’s been dominating cultural discourse for the past year as Swift has traveled all over the US, Latin America, Australia and Singapore.

Until I experience the Eras Tour for myself, I’m not going to watch the movie version. This is because I want the first time I see the show in full to be in person rather than through a screen. I’m far from alone in making this decision. Many Swifties across Europe with tickets for this summer’s dates have also chosen to hang back from overindulging in tour content. One of my friends has achieved the impossible and managed somehow to avoid almost all tour content on social media, and still doesn’t know the set list.

🕹️ What’s the struggle like?

I’ve not been that strict with myself. I’m familiar not only with the set list, but also the costumes and each beat of the opening number of the show. I’ve examined diagrams that map Swift’s movements around the stage so I can choose the best positions for the nights I have standing tickets. After every show, I let myself watch the surprise song performances in the acoustic section, as I know I’m unlikely to get to see these songs live. At times it’s made the wait for the show to arrive in my region of the world feel painful, but it’s hard not to dip my toe into the copious amount of tour content available.

🎵 The power of a movie

After the Reputation Tour, the movie that was available to stream until the end of 2023 on Netflix became one of my most frequently rewatched pieces content on the platform. It was almost permanently downloaded on my iPad so that I could turn to it while sleepless on overnight flights or delayed on British trains. My now-husband even put it on to distract me while he was preparing to propose.

I can already anticipate a point in the near future where I’ll feel the same way about the Eras Tour Movie. Once I’ve experienced the show for myself, I’ll immediately discard my current stance in favor of streaming it on repeat. It’s a real test of my willpower not to give in right now, just as it was when it was showing at my local theater. (I did pop in to buy the popcorn bucket and cup, though.)

🎬 The future and beyond

I hope also that the movie comes back to theaters at a later date for Swifties like me and my friends who’ve chosen to refrain for now. I know that reliving the Eras Tour on screens both big and small will be something for us to look forward to once the post-concert depression sets in.

When I finally watch the movie, it will be not as a precursor to delights that lie ahead, but as a time capsule containing a treasured memory of what will inevitably be a new entry to the list of the top five nights of my life.

🔍 Perguntas Frequentes:

Q: Can you give me tips on how to avoid tour content on social media?

A: Avoiding tour content on social media can be a challenge, but it’s not impossible. Here are a few tips to help you stay spoiler-free: – Mute keywords and hashtags related to the tour on your social media platforms. – Unfollow accounts that might share spoilers or setlist details. – Create a separate social media list or group for friends who are attending the tour, so you can still engage with them without stumbling upon tour content. – Limit your time on social media altogether and focus on other interests to keep yourself distracted.

P: Haverá surpresas durante a turnê que não estarão no filme?

R: Swift é conhecida por suas surpresas, então é altamente provável que haja momentos durante a turnê ao vivo que não serão capturados no filme. De aparições de convidados inesperados a configurações de palco únicas, Swift sempre mantém seus fãs alertas. Portanto, mesmo que você assista ao filme, ainda há uma boa chance de vivenciar algo especial quando comparecer ao show ao vivo.

P: Existem planos para uma futura turnê após a Eras Tour?

R: Embora os planos futuros de turnê de Taylor Swift ainda não estejam confirmados, é seguro dizer que ela continuará a encantar os fãs com suas performances ao vivo. Após o grande sucesso da Reputation Stadium Tour e agora da Eras Tour, é altamente provável que ela embarque em outra turnê no futuro. Swift é conhecida por sua dedicação aos fãs, e fazer turnês é uma das melhores formas dela se conectar com eles em um nível pessoal.

🌟 Lembre-se, se você se segurar de assistir ao Filme da Eras Tour, a experiência ao vivo pode se tornar ainda mais especial. Então, companheiros Swifties, vamos manter-nos fortes e preservar a magia para quando a testemunharmos pessoalmente! 🎉

🔗 Referências:

📣 Quais são suas opiniões sobre se segurar de assistir ao Filme da Eras Tour? Você planeja assisti-lo ou preservar a magia para uma experiência ao vivo? Compartilhe suas opiniões e experiências nos comentários! Não se esqueça de espalhar a palavra e compartilhar este artigo com seus colegas Swifties. Juntos, podemos celebrar a incrível jornada da Eras Tour de Taylor Swift. 🎶💫